The Room Where It Happened by John R. Bolton Download

The Room Where It Happened by John R. Bolton Download







The Room Where It Happened by John R. Bolton

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When the president overcomes national security advisers, John Bolton spends much of the 453 days in the room where the incident took place, and the facts speak for themselves.
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The result is the White House memoir, which is the most comprehensive and substantial account of the Trump administration and one of the few data so far by high-level officials. With almost daily access to the president, John Bolton produces accurate presentations about his days in and in the Oval Office. What Bolton saw surprised him: a re-elected president was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant harming or weakening the nation. I was pressured to identify Trump’s significant decision during my term of office that was not driven by re-election calculations, he wrote. In fact, he argues that the House of Representatives committed negligence on impeachment, keeping allegations concentrated in Ukraine when Trump’s type of Ukraine was in complete violation of his foreign policy – and Bolton documented exactly what they were and the efforts of him and others. Administration to issue an alarm to them.

It shows a president who is addicted to chaos, who embraces our enemies and hates our friends, and is very suspicious of his own government. According to the Boltons, all of this helped put Trump on a strange impeachment path. The difference between this president and the one I previously held was striking, writes Bolton, who works for Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43. He found a president who thought foreign policy was like closing a real estate agreement – about personal relations, made to be seen on TV and promote your own interests. As a result, the United States lost the opportunity to face its growing threat and, in cases such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, ended up in a more vulnerable place.

Bolton’s account began with his long march to the west wing, when Trump and others tried him to work in National Security. Once he arrived, he had to deal with a Syrian chemical attack on the city of Douma and the crisis after that never stopped. As he writes on the opening page, If you don’t like turbulence, uncertainty, and risk – all the time you are always inundated with information, decisions to take and lots of work – and driven by conflicts of personality and international and personal egos beyond description, try others .

Turbulence, conflict and ego are all there – from the rebellion in Venezuela, to North Korea’s erratic and manipulative movements Kim Jong Un, to clashes at the top of the G7, the heat calculated by Iran, the insane Taliban plan for Camp David, and the placement of a Chinese authoritarian who finally exposed the world to its deadly lies. But this experienced civil servant also has an interest in Washington’s domestic game, and the story is full of humor and ironic humor about how he sees it playing..

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