Preliminary review Destiny 2. Return of space rosemen

Preliminary review Destiny 2. Return of space rosemen

Destiny either love or hate, no intermediate conditions. Either you are addicted to you so that you have to abandon social life for the sake of weekly attempts to knock out Vex mythoclast, or the game is boring, not having time to really begin.

The exit of the continuation, of course, was only a matter of time. The September release is no longer around the corner; The other day Bungie We conducted an open beta test Destiny 2. Content in Beta, let's say, a little. However, enough to draw some conclusions.

Old plate

There was nothing completely new in the OBT Destiny 2, the content made his debut a few months ago in the presence of foreign journalists. According to the developers, there are good reasons for this: since then they have significantly reviewed the balance and gameplay.

It seems that we were late for the most explosive party throughout the tower.

There was one plot mission in our hands, two PVP mode on two cards and one strip. And also – “old new” classes, familiar faces in the frame and the opportunity to lend every corner of the new social hub – farm. And it was all, of course, great. But it is difficult for us to get rid of the feeling that Bungie is simply developing Destiny 1.5.

The course of the young Gardian

The main differences between Destiny 2 and the predecessor lie in the nuances of the weapons and class mechanics. The changes are not indigenous, but Bungie has greatly changed by several point solutions how players need to approach shootings.

Destiny 2 regularly gives out magnificent landscapes.

Slots for the main, special and heavy weapon now in the past. From now on, guards distribute guns in other categories: kinetic, energy and power. The first category includes ordinary weapons without spontaneous damage – from automatic rifles to pistols, revolvers and “scouts”. In the second – all the same, but already with spontaneous modifiers. All guns capable of killing from one shot fall into the last category: sniper and plasma rifles, missiles and, of course, shotgun who love in PVP so much.

From a visual and sound point of view, the weapon holds the bar specified in the original: it looks cool, rumbles that it is necessary, and the return when shooting from revolvers is such that there probably not one hunter walked after them with broken hands.

During the plot mission, the game gives us an “exotic” from the bins of Lord Shakks himself. Trifle, but to pamper with a minigan is nice.

Queue, children of darkness! We are not in a hurry.

It may seem that they changed their awl to soap, but this is not so. The new system sharply limits the capabilities of a particular player. You will no longer be able to be an army of one person who drags a sniper rifle, a machine gun and a bazuka. And therefore, it will not be possible to adapt to all situations at once. Unloading will have to be sorted constantly, under specific battles, and not only when it is more convenient to go through a particular moment of a particularly difficult fear.

At the same time, no one forbids to take, for example, a revolver for shooting at close distances and an automatic machine to compensate for the low rate of the “boomstry” in the main slot. Or here is a set: a scout rifle and a submachine gun (new Destiny 2). The first for enemies is away, the second is for those who decide to come close. You can even take "duplicate", but with different properties – simply because you really want!

A miracle of engineering.


Cartridges for power guns rarely fall. Since this category now includes all the main “weapons of victory”, it is better to think tightly over a waste of precious ammunition. Where to charge them? To the rocket launcher to destroy the waves of mobs? To a sniper rifle to maximize damage on the boss? In a plasma rifle, because you are the same person who believes that plasma rifles are good?

So many questions and so many answers ..

Each weapon has a separate characteristic – the type of frame. According to the plan, some of them increase the mobility of the carrier and the speed of aiming, some – accuracy and control of return, and t.D. It was impossible to experiment in Bete with them, but their very existence allows us to hope that customization will be deeper than in the first part.

At the same time, it is not yet clear whether the entire arsenal will receive fixed perks (according to fans reports, there were cases when the same guns had different features). For many Destiny fans, the pursuit of the ideal set of perks on the gun is a separate game in the game and the incentive to look steadily in the tower behind a new set of tasks.

Paring in the air with a finger on a grenade launcher trigger is a matter for real Varlocks. If desired, you can turn on the background of the "Flight of the Valkyrie".

So for sure, Lord Shakks, sir!

Destiny 2 is trying to make players think more. Make more decisions. With a modified arsenal, the guards in one detachment will have to occupy certain niches, coordinate not only actions, but also equipment sets. This is not bad: new players will be able to get acquainted with the capabilities of each type of weapon, and for everyone else, the variability of weapons will simply increase.

But there is and what to rotate: Bungie still does not share the balance of weapons in PVE and PVP. It is great, of course, that PVP will no longer have a shotgun’s dominance, but the restrained opportunities are unlikely to make more pleasant raids or NightFall-stroke.

Tell me who you are

The situation with the classes has developed Fresh Bet sister sites… interesting. Not without curios. There are positive and rather controversial moments. The main feature is the introduction of class skills, unique abilities available regardless of the chosen subclass. Titans, for example, learned to build a small power barrier as a shelter, the hunters adopted Kuvrok (which was once a privilege of Nightstalker), and Varlocks for once support the allies with small ao-baffers.

Now the pumping tree is more or less structured, and it is much more convenient to navigate in it.

Bottom line: the classes finally began to (a little) more strongly not only visually, but also in terms of gameplay. In addition, each also has two options to choose from: the same Varlocks can either treat fellow soldiers or increase their damage. Trifle, but very useful. I don’t want to joke about the fact that the classes in Destiny differ from each other only once every couple of minutes – when “Ula” accumulates.

Alas, in the field of classes Destiny 2 took a step forward … and two back.

Play in Destiny 2 on PC!

Old in the old way

The archetypes of the guards, of course, have not changed – Bungie worked with specializations. Strauker, Vodvkier and Hanleynger from the first part remained in place, but received entertaining bonuses. So, electric titans after their “ulters” can rush at huge speeds and beat opponents with charged blows. And the shooting hunters slightly pumped the Golden Revolver-now you can plant a whole drum of solar cartridges into enemies, repulsing the hammer in a columnar.

We would have your problems, a robot pipe whistling under his breath in the middle of the besieged city ..

And new classes … no. They are called differently, but in fact this is only another attempt by Bungie to balance "problematic" places in the class system. ARK-hunters were not too useful in PVE? Please, now they do not have a knife, but an electric staff, and monsters, they are ruining that your Raiden. Titans defenders seemed to be (in vain) that they had little effect on the battle? Now, instead of the energy dome, they have an energy shield that can be thrown into the crowds of enemies – hello to Captain America. The resurrection of sansingers Varlocks is boring? Here you have a huge flaming sword, it seems to have fun.

About the secondaryness of these "innovations" have already spoken, it seems, everything. Therefore, let's talk about something else: flaws in the Bungie design-philosophy. See for yourself. The new titan defender, properly placing talents, can choose what to use-a shield or a dome. For some reason, this is the only subclass that can radically change your trump card. For example, Sansingers, with all the desire, cannot throw a fiery sword into a garbage dump to resurrect from the dead. Why?

Say what you want, but Kade-6 approves Buff Hanslings.

Because Bungie is trying to destroy the established conventions of the first game, but go through the lowest resistance. They want to make Destiny 2 feel fresh, but they are not going to radically redo anything.

The problem is that some mechanics are too important to abandon them. The dome of titans in most situations simply have nothing to replace: strategies for entire raids are built on this ability. The same self -screening of boons in skillful hands made it possible to bypass scripts, as well as to slip the most complex and/or tedious stages (a bridge with totems in Crota’s end, for example).

In a word, the balance of abilities causes concerns. However, the state of affairs may change – in the end, we have not yet seen exotic armor. And she must probably change the abilities of the guards.

You can not love the vehicles for many reasons, but kametesi from them are noble.

These problems themselves are quite fixable. These are rather symptoms. The signs that Destiny 2 is not a sequel, but a kind of second attempt to create the same Destiny, starting from previous experience.


If the developers are fed, then definitely in the PVE content. The plot mission and an affordable strik are made very dignified. I would like to note their quality separately – without any "but" and comparisons.

“Turned out spire”, accessible in Bete Strike, feels much longer than its analogues from the previous game. Here you have plateforming, and marching on a dangerous area, and the assault on enemy lines … Boss, despite the amazing immunity to lead, is the enemy Neskuchny. Three stages (each with its own nuances) and good difficulty without heroic modifiers. It’s good that Bungie peep the ideas at home – at their raids, or rather. We hope that the “turned spire” will not be one of a kind.

The crypts of vehicles with all their appearance shout that nothing bad will happen. Nothing at all.

… well, we said. Nothing bad. Is it possible to fall deeper and deeper underground is bad?

The prologue of a solitary campaign telling about the attack of the Red Legion of Basis on the wanderer himself is generally set up extremely well. We hope that a little more “Hollywood” setting of missions will be a tendency: it was very pleasant to look at how the Kade-6 shot a pack of bondage for moments-of course, without leading an eye. If there are at least a few tasks of the level of prologue in the release version, we can already assume that everything is good with the plot.

The main villain is very offended by us. Because we are guards, but he is not. Literally.

NESSUS, one of the new planets, is in the vehicles. This can be seen with the naked eye, but we do not mind at all – because it is beautiful.

One is alarming: the game in all seriousness expects that you spent a couple of hundred hours in Destiny and you will scream with delight, seeing your teachers in the case. The newcomer will not understand at all what, who is who beats whom and why the blown lilac ball in the middle of the ruins is sad.

And we also have a new hub, farm. Believe me, you will fall in love with this place. Below-a small photo tour by the most cozy corner of civilization in Destiny 2.

Nature! Breathe in full chest, even if you are exo!

Crypttarch has already arranged a tent for himself. Will he continue to decipher “exotic” into purple garbage? The riddle of the millennium.

A little mess, but for Amanda Hollidei, the head of the transport, just right.

"Rush B"

The main attraction is the last football field in the galaxy.

Everything is like people.

The state of the PVP regime is difficult to judge on the basis of two cards and two modes. However, there is definitely one elephant in the room: the players in PVP have reduced to eight players. Now the fights are held in 4 to 4 mode and noticeably reduced in randomness. There are no news about returning 6 to 6 or private matches yet. According to Bungie themselves, a decrease in the number of players will help make matches more stressful and competitive. In the processed crucible, developers focus on teamwork and the very feeling of the elbow. Well, let's see.

A pond near the tent of crypttarch for your meditation services.

“Control” is played as usual, and the new mode is a hybrid “Osiris testing” from the first game … and Counter-STRIKE. One team protects three points, the second is trying to lay bombs in them. To win, you must either destroy all opponents, or blow up (neutralize) a bomb. Renaissance – only with the help of associates.

Very simple – and not at all new for the veterans of the shooters. The regime, however, is not hopeless: it is quite interesting to juggle with resources. Is it worth it to spend the ability to do it, in what places … In other words, you will have problems and besides enemies with large -caliber weapons.

The interface in PVP has become much more informative.

Destiny 2 is more than Destiny. That's how just. Those who did not like the first part will not like it and the second. The opposite is true. In fact, Destiny has become a hostage of her own style. Bungie will never come out to block the whole game from scratch. At the same time, Destiny 2 has huge potential. There is the main thing here: the feeling of adventure, the holiday, which at one time attracted players in the first part.

Most likely, everything will remain in their places. Bungie will remain yourself, Destiny – the same. And we just get the most that we liked and did not like it before. One can only hope that Bungie this time will step on a minimum number of rakes.

If the contemplation of idyll is not enough, you can run inside the wheel. To stay "squirrel". Remove stress.

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