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LimeFX Review in 2024 Spreads & Fees Compared

My inquiries ranged from basic questions relating to account features to more complex themes like order execution. I noted that the support staff was usually well-informed and polite. Keep in mind though that the bulk of the 10,000+ instruments are CFDs on shares. Traders have the flexibility of using all major order types via the […]

Today’s Oil Price: Brent Crude & WTI Oil Prices Today

The increased focus on renewable energy is already accelerating such changes. Hurricanes in 2005, for example, shut down oil and natural gas production as well as refineries. As a result, petroleum product prices increased sharply as supplies to the market dropped. Severely cold weather can strain product markets as producers attempt to supply enough of […]

Bank Deposit Meaning, Types, How Does it Work?

Banks pay interest on your deposits as a way of thanking you for letting them use your money. The interest rate varies from bank to bank and can also depend on the type of account. These options provide the convenience of depositing from anywhere, anytime, greatly enhancing banking accessibility and flexibility. They provide a safe […]