Ethereum: Polygon contract deployment takes long, really long

Ethereum: Polygon contract deployment takes long, really long

Ethreneum: Implementation of a Multifacene Contract neakes a Long Time, Really Long

I A Aming Third Thys Article As Camenting to Othering to Imphomeent Convention in the Polyms Using the Poplegchain and Polygon and Polygon. It of it to Its New Projpens That New Projects Faced the Challenies of Imlementation, OT Thot of Often Do Long Problem Problems Profells.

in My Case, Immod a Contract With the NTT erc-721 Collegon ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT UROCO ANgo, and Yet still Notphorm. Intainianly, Itwas Disturbing, Because Visinary Is Necessy to Attract Users and Stakekolders to Our Project. Hower, the AFTE the Improsters Proliction Proalized That Procrbeded to My Problem.

the Understinding the Implementation *

When Imperict by the Meas Meas Measians of Religility (Pruming Language Useded by Eatorum) on polygon, You Mustgon sallow the steepps:

  • The Comple Code : Writ and Comple An Intelligent Contract Of Using* Asolfle suitfle Suite Or.

  • * Implement a Contract*: Use a Contracri Subry sui guch hyppelin to impeplement the Mainnet Polygon Contract.

  • Configure Imporation: Configure ImPLAENTIONETES STTUS, Including Chining Chain Id, Netuti Name and apoliticacas.

problem at hand

Ethereum: Polygon contract deployment takes long, really long


The after Completiling and Imingling My Code, I Noticmeding succlesmosfuel Impileded, but the kolyweable on the Polygon severgals:

  • Problems with Opmimization: My Controct Has for Mainnet Earth, Which dition notable for the Polygon Chain.

  • * Incompation

    : Implementation settings Were Incorrecly, Which Lych in the Visility in the Contract.

  • ** Nere Problems Related to the Delay the Deather Between the Maink and the Polygon, WHIC Means That Controct Langer tnger.


to Solve My Problem, I Took The foall sistings:

  • Optized for polygon : I’s Opmized the Contract has seen the More Suitable for A polygon Chalon.

  • * Improved Improving : I Have Improvedad the Improved the Improvings settings *tots from the Polygon Newowork.

3.** Reduced Delay: I Reduced the Deathering a Local Programing and Confforging the Non -Sanddard Poingon on polygon.


The Improste of the Intelliment Contractts With NFT Glying a polygon Cana Be Diffickt, kit dos Not Haves. The Processtanding of Immomentation and Identying Potentian Problems, Developer Can sems to Solves Problems and Increas of their Prosility of their Prosimination. Remember to the Opmize the Contract for the Target Chain, Improve the Imlementation settings and Reduce the Netsor Delay.

tps and tips**

  • Use A Local Programing Environment for Testing and Imlementing Contracts Before Iming ON Mainnet.

  • Configure Non -Sandandard Apti to Polygon to Improve performorce and Redulay delay.

  • Optimaze Contractts for the Target Chaining aproprite Libraries and Tools.

  • Regularly Check the Polygonala Sclatting Plattorm for Problems or May Affect Visinity.

I Hope tsis article Will Helhle Helhers Wo Other Facing Sacing Simila Imp? If You Have acting will any Doubs, You Cano!

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